
Work Package 2

Development of Educational Content on Cybersecurity

WP2 Leader: University of Heidelberg

In Work Package 2 (WP2) Cybersecurity Situation Analysis, Core Concept Definition & Curricula Development the project EnCycLEd educational content is developed, including presentations, workshops, and interactive sessions. This will be aligned with the schools’ existing curricula and will be adapted to be age-appropriate for learners of different European educational systems (for coaching school students and educators). The curricula and their contents should be sustainable and adaptable. Hence, students and teachers, as the main recipients of the teaching resources, should be involved in their development, and technical platforms must be set up to provide for longer term use and updating of the content. The primary materials to be provided will be for teachers, so that they can directly be used in classes, or as basis for further material production.

The project's logo consists of a circle made of different orange lines completed with the project's name "EnCycLEd".

Work Packages 2 aims to fullfill the following:

  • To develop literature reviews to explore the publication dominance in cybersecurity and the current level of familiarity with the risks-mitigation approaches in educational systems.
  • To identify and assess relevant knowledge and gaps via surveys with stakeholders.
  • To map the specific needs and gaps regarding cybersecurity awareness within different educational scenarios, with respect to the key-concepts of cyber-spaces, cyber-attacks, cyber-defense, and cyber-peace aspects for basic digital literacy approaches, as well as guidance on future career options.
  • To specify the appropriate strategies and instruments to be applied in training development for each of the key-concepts.
  • To develop specific curricula for educators and students’ institutions, on the key-concepts of cybersecurity, based on the gaps identified, leading to suitable training material.
  • To create a diverse and innovative training programme and opportunities, consisting of offline and online educational materials to attend the lack of cybersecurity for various disciplines’ activities.